East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
Welcome to the East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club

East Wessex MCC - Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held 11 December 2021 at Easebourne Primary School
Larry Spiers (Chairman), Roger Milton, Diane Milton, Sandra Lewis, Janet Macey, Julia & Tony Wickham, Jim Harris (part).
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the meeting held 5 June 2021 were agreed and signed.
Matters arising
Plugging in to power supply: a member of the committee must give permission before anyone plugs in and it must be made clear that plugging in is for the purpose of recharging a flat battery only and not for heating.
Committee roles and how we can work together
It was agreed that Larry would have a separate discussion with Julia and Tony to hand over the work of organising rallies. Diane would discuss the role of the Treasurer with Sandra. How to work out rally costings would wait until after handover.
No one on the committee was able to take on the role of catering or entertainment; it was therefore agreed to ask the group if anyone outside the committee was willing to do so.
With regard to a procedure for updating the website or Facebook, it was agreed that to avoid confusion, any member wishing to put anything on the website or Facebook would send it to Diane in the first instance. Diane would pass it on to webmaster Steve and then Steve would pass on to Janet for Facebook. Facebook currently had a link to the temporary website created by Steve.
Finances and signatures
Procedures for changing the the bank mandate were in hand; the continuing role of previous committee members was much appreciated. The group's accounts would be ready to pass to the accounts examiner by the end of the year
Rallies and raffles
It was reported that Ballard School would no longer permit rallies due to issues raised by New Forest District Council. A similar stance was being taken by the National Park Authority and this could make it difficult for rallies to take place outside commercial camp sites.
It was agreed to continue to allow the host 2 free nights camping per rally. The possibility of having more than one host on longer rallies and splitting the free nights between them was discussed. It was felt that the host should record birthdays, anniversaries etc, point out where the hall or meeting point was and to explain the rally programme to people arriving
On the matter of having a flat fee for all rallies, the committee felt that more work needed to be done, including a closer look at current figures, before further consideration. The principle of leaving a tip for a school caretaker in appreciation for outstanding service was agreed.
£30 would be the budget for raffle prizes for all rallies other than Christmas and New Year, when it would be £40. Donations would be welcomed.
It was noted that changes to advertised rally venues and earlier start times needed to be reported to Head Office in advance to ensure that insurance cover was in place.
We should aim to plan activities at rallies 3 months in advance.
New Year: Quizzes, deck shuffle, horse racing, skittles; Theme for New Year's Eve - Dress to Impress, Music by The Simpsons, Buffet
Valentine's /EGM: Cowboy Pete's music; Larry and Sheila to do soup in the afternoon.
Easebourne 4-6 March: Deck shuffle
Professional entertainment – to be agreed by the committee prior to booking
Rally book
Current membership of the club is 162 members; since February we have had 7 new members; 16 have cancelled over the year.
Diane agreed to continue as scribe and advised that contributions needed to be submitted by the 5th of the month for publication the following month, so information to be included needed to be with her a few days before the 5th.
Safety issues. The matter of whether we needed an accident book would be raised with Head Office. The absence of the hand bell was noted. Roger to find out whether the fire extinguishers needed to be serviced. Marshalls parking up vans in the dark should be required to wear high vis jackets. Roger to find out if Head Office had any with MCC logo. Roger to source bags for carrying fire extinguishers and other rally equipment.
Venues would be asked about the availability of defibrillators on arrival. Janet to arrange a demonstration of how to use them and other first aid.
Janet to find out about name badges.

Updated 4th March