East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
Welcome to the East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
East Wessex MCC - Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the 48th Annual General Meeting of the East Wessex Group of the Motor Caravanners Club held at Weeke Primary School, Stoney Lane, Weeke, Winchester SO22 6DR on Sunday 23 October 2022
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The rally officer presented a list of proposed future rallies for consideration; the list included three potential new venues. It was becoming increasingly difficult to find new venues with a hall and at a reasonable price, during winter months, and the policies of New Forest District Council and the National Park Authority meant previous venues in some areas were no longer available.
There were still a few venues on the programme to be confirmed; the Army Museum at Middle Wallop had not been included so far, but a new rally officer would be needed if any of the proposals were to be taken forward.
It was the rally officer’s view that Weeke Primary School should continue to be bookable in future, limited to approximately 23 vans owing to limited space. This was a new venue in 2022 and had proved popular with members.
On it being proposed by Lynn Hemmings and seconded by Derek Mitchell, the appointment of Mrs Suzanne Liano, - - - - - - - -, Bognor Regis, West Sussex was agreed.
The following candidates were elected, all receiving a unanimous vote:
Sandra Lewis Proposed by Sheila Spiers; Seconded by Lynn Docherty
Diane Milton Proposed by Lynn Hemmings; Seconded by Dave Powell
Allen Scott Proposed by Roger Milton; Seconded by Jim Harris
Brenda Scott Proposed by Larry Spiers Seconded by Steve Huckstepp
Hon Chair Allen Scott
Hon Vice Chair Vacant
Hon Secretary Diane Milton
Hon Treasurer Sandra Lewis
Rally Officer Brenda Scott
Safety Officer Vacant
The Chairman thanked outgoing chairman Larry Spiers for all his hard work for the benefit of the group, which was greatly appreciated. He also thanked Janet Macey for her work on Facebook, which she confirmed she was able to continue with it. She also agreed to be the National Rally coordinator once again. Steve Huckstepp confirmed that he was prepared to continue to be the group’s Webmaster.
One member recalled that another group had refused to allow him to go to one of their rallies as he owned a caravan; Kate Jones emphasised that those caravan owners who were members had as much right to join a rally as motorhome owners and undertook to speak to the group in question. Another member stated that the same group had tried to restrict rallies to members of their own group so encouraging some would-be ralliers to change groups. Again this should not have been happening.
Kate Jones requested that all complaints should be submitted to the Council of Management via the head office so that they could be looked into.
Another member felt that the club was no longer friendly, as they had been left completely alone when rallying with new groups. Kate Jones emphasised the importance of welcoming visitors and new members and encouraged members to think of ways to make sure new people were not left by themselves. A window sticker for first time ralliers was one suggestion; or hosts could identify new members or visitors to members parking next to them so that they could make sure to speak to them and maybe accompany them to the hall or social activities, so they had someone to sit with.
The possibility of running a joint rally with another group was discussed. One visitor’s experience was that it was preferable for one group to invite another to its rally and then for the other to reciprocate, so avoiding any difficulties over splitting income.
The meeting closed at 12.25 pm.

Updated 21st Jan