East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
Welcome to the East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
East Wessex MCC - Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the 48th Annual General Meeting of the East Wessex Group of the Motor Caravanners Club held at Weeke Primary School, Stoney Lane, Weeke, Winchester SO22 6DR on Sunday 23 October 2022
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Chairman’s Introduction:
The Chairman declared the meeting open at 11 am and welcomed all members of East Wessex Group, Kate Jones from the Council of Management and visitors.
The committee was introduced by the Chairman.
The Secretary read the notice to formally convene the 48th Annual General Meeting.
Carol Forfar
Having been circulated prior to the meeting and on being proposed by Val Mitchell and seconded by Lyn Hemmings, it was agreed that the minutes of the 47th Annual General Meeting held 14 November 2021 were correct.
Having been circulated prior to the meeting and on being proposed by Derek Mitchell and seconded by Sheila Spiers, it was agreed that the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held 13 February 2022 were correct.
Before the Chairman began his report a minute’s silence was observed in memory of absent friends and friends.
He expressed his thanks to Kate Jones for showing her support by attending the group’s AGM.
Along with all but two of the current committee members, the Chairman was standing down and not seeking re- election. He thanked all the committee members for their respective contributions throughout the year and also Webmaster Steve Huckstepp and Pete Harnett, for providing his music.
He reported on the success of the group at the 2022 National Rally and thanked Janet Macey for her work in co ordinating the group’s activities and Vic Biles for making the model train that had been so much admired.
He reported that the number of vans regularly attending rallies was down over the year. There seemed little doubt that the extraordinarily hot weather over the summer had played its part in discouraging attendance. Some sites had little shade and understandably people had had concerns for their own and their pets’ health.
Also, during the year, several longstanding members of the group who had been regular ralliers had decided to retire from motorhoming altogether. It was becoming increasingly difficult to get rally hosts or people to help out at rallies.
The Chairman called for more people to join the committee. There were only 3 standing for election whilst the Group constitution required a minimum of 4. Unless others came forward the group would have to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting in February in a final attempt to form a Committee, failing which the group would be dissolved and its funds handed over to the Council of Management. Kate Jones reiterated that the East Wessex group committee had to have more than 3 members and encouraged anyone who could, to stand for election.
At the time of the AGM in 2021, the group had 175 members but that had now fallen to 167. The majority of East Wessex members never rallied with their own group and were unknown to the rest of the group. This included the majority of new members. Their reasons for joining the club in the first place remained a mystery. Those who did come along often did not return again.
In presenting the accounts, the Treasurer corrected a typing error in the printed income and expenditure account, namely the right-hand date in the income and expenditure account should have been 2022, not 2222.
She reported that the Extraordinary General Meeting held 13 February 2022 had highlighted a rolling error in the calculation of the balance sheet. This did not affect the income and expenditure account, the figures for which were accurate. Since then, it had not been possible to trace the source of the error which could have been due to the way the spreadsheet had been set up. In conjunction with the Accounts Verifier, for the year 21/22 accounts it had therefore been decided to use the simpler format used by the MCC and to use the £4434.82 agreed at the EGM as the balance brought forward on the balance sheet. It was hoped that this would remove the previous anomalies.
Upon it being proposed by Jim Harris and seconded by Allen Scott, it was resolved that the accounts for the financial year 2021/2022 be approved.
Updated 21st Jan