East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
Welcome to the East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
East Wessex MCC - Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held 10 December 2022 at Easebourne CE Primary School, Easebourne
Allen Scott (Chairman), Diane Milton, Sandra Lewis, Brenda Scott
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the meeting held 17 September 2022 at Ringwood Junior School were agreed and signed.
Matters arising
Chairman’s update
Allen still finding his feet in his new role as Chairman and would be assisting Brenda in her role as Rally Officer.
Secretary’s update
Diane had sent a get well card on behalf of the group to previous committee member Lynn Docherty following news of a bad fall.
Treasurer’s report
It would normally be expected to change the bank mandate when a previous signatory stood down from the committee. However, given the extreme difficulty in changing authorisations last time and the length of time the bank took to action them, it was agreed to ask Larry Spiers if he was willing to remain the third signatory and if so, not to make any further changes at the present time.
Rally Officer’s report
The committee went through the previous rally officers’ notes on 2023 rally bookings:
Wootey’s School, Alton: Allen/Brenda to ring the school to check whether the booking could be confirmed.
Winchester Rugby Club: if members wanted a curry evening, cooked breakfast or use the bar, Allen/Brenda would need to contact Jim Yeoman in the New Year.
Beehive Field: Joint rally with West Wessex. Allen/Brenda to check with Larry about what had been agreed with West Wessex as they appeared to have given their members the cost and named the rally host.
Leylands Farm, Lymington: As contacting the owner was so difficult and the fact that some members had previously found Leylands too far from transport into town it was decided not to pursue this venue. Allen/Brenda to cancel. Diane to remove it from the rally booklet and ask Steve to remove it from the website.
Basingstoke Canal: Allen/Brenda to contact venue to confirm booking in early January 2023.
Hayling College: Diane had completed and returned the documentation to the college.
Fort Widley: The hours wanted for use of the hall left over until the next meeting. The hall would not be wanted for Sunday morning.
2023 Rally Booklet
Diane circulated a first draft. The Committee agreed with a single sheet rally booklet similar to the 2022 version and to hold over printing until the New Year as it was not yet finalised.
Driving directions to Wooteys School needed if venue confirmed.
Future pricing / activities:
Ringwood 10-12 February 2023
Hall booked for Fri evening, all day Saturday and Sunday morning. Raffle and host – Sandra and Ed; Allen to ask Pete if he would do a disco. Larry and Sheila doing home made soup. Cost to members: £14 and £13(singles) pupn.
Easebourne 3-5 March
Allen to see if Val M able to do Scattergories quiz.
Cost £15, £13.
Weeke 17-19 March
Cost £15, £13.
Updated 21st Jan