East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
Welcome to the East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
East Wessex MCC - Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held 2 June 2022 at Royal Victoria Country Park, Netley
Larry Spiers (Chairman), Roger Milton, Diane Milton, Sandra Lewis, Janet Macey, Jim Harris.
Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the meeting held 17 April 2022 were agreed and signed.
Matters arising
Minute 4 Roger confirmed that the supplementary document required CO2 dry powder extinguishers, fire blanket and alarm bell. Roger to seek fire extinguishers.
Minute 5 Future entertainment. Entertainment had been booked for the AGM, Christmas and New Year rallies, involving a financial commitment of £1045
Free nights camping for hosting rallies
Larry raised the issue of hosting longer rallies, for which the host was currently given two night free camping (not food or entertainment). It was felt that longer rallies could involve a lot more work for hosts, as vans arrived and left at all times. Allowing four nights free camping on longer rallies could encourage more co hosting and free nights could be split between hosts.
Hosts would be expected to make sure that someone was always present on site if they needed to leave at any time and that it would be made clear to all, who was covering reception.
It was agreed to allow hosts the cost of 4 nights camping on 4/5 day rallies with effect from the current rally. Entertainment and catering costs would still need to be paid for and would need to be separately costed.
VAT and rallies
Diane reported that Winchester Rugby Club had agreed with our view that our rally was VAT exempt, which had saved us having to pay an additional £132. It was felt that this exemption might not be widely understood and that it might be helpful to pass the information to the Council of Management for wider dissemination among groups. Diane to do so.
Use of pods in May
Janet raised the issue of using pods for field rallies in May, and asked whether this was too early in the year as several people had caught colds at Winchester RC this year.
As we hoped to return to the Rugby Club next year, it was agreed to ask the rally officers to investigate whether we might be able to hire a function room for a night next year.
Future rallies
Fort Widley
A member had offered to pay for a shanty group to play at Fort Widley. The committee discussed how to fit this in to the planned activities so as to accommodate food and Pete’s disco.
Easebourne – Christmas Ceilidh. Maybe serve ploughmans and French bread, apple pie and cream.
Rally pricing
Pricing up to the end of September plus Fort Widley discussed and agreed. Those involving food and entertainment to be discussed at Weyhill.
The issue was raised about parking of adjacent vans when habitation doors faced each other and both had awnings out. The rules require a 3m gap between awnings.
If vans parked nose to tail, there had to be a 3m gap.
Date of next meeting
Next meeting to be held at Ringwood in September.

Updated 14th July