East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club

Welcome to the East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club

Updated 17th Jan
EastWessex Motorcaravanners Club
Next Temporary Campsites
11th - 13th Feb : Ringwood Junior School, Hightown Road, Ringwood BH24 1NH
Valentines & EGM
Hardstanding and heated hall
Dress smart casual (optional)
Sheila will be making soup
Cowboy Pete will very kindly be providing music on Saturday night
Start: Strictly after 5pm and PLEASE not before
Vans cannot enter whilst staff vehicles are still on site
Vans queuing to enter will cause the narrow road to be obstructed
£12.50 pupn (£10.50 pupn singles)
Tony and Julia are hosting (07802 321304) Booking not mandatory but would be nice to know numbers
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the East Wessex Group will be holding an EGM on Sunday 13 February 2022 at 10.30am, at Ringwood Junior School, Hightown Road, Ringwood, BH24 1NH to consider and approve the Group's accounts
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4th - 6th Mar : Easebourne School, Wheelbarrow Castle, Easebourne, GU29 9AG
Hardstanding and heated hall Buses nearby to Midhurst and Haslemere
There will be a first aid demonstration
Cost: £15 pupn (£13pupn singles)
Arrivals after 5pm

E-mail: admin@eastwessex.uk
Home is where you park it....
Welcome to East Wessex Motor Caravanning Club offering a friendly environment for members, family, friends and guests of all ages.
Our aim is to foster the interests of like minded Motor Caravanner Club members who reside in - and outside of - our geographical area.
We do this by arranging and running weekend and holiday rallies throughout the whole year (see Rally Programme) in a variety of venues.
All this, in the company of friendly 'like-minded' people who would be only too pleased to share a cup of tea with you and help you to remember why you bought a motor caravan in the first place.