East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
Welcome to the East Wessex Group of the
Motor Caravanners' Club
Updated 2nd June
EastWessex Motorcaravanners Club
National Rally Malvern 2023 report
East Wessex
13 East Wessex units with 2 Sussex Units joined us at Malvern, seven of those were first time National ralliers. We were welcomed by our marshalls Larry, Sheila, Allen and Brenda and soon we were all acquainted with each other and and participation events began.
Our canine friends really made a good start in the Fun Dog Show:
1st Bonnie
2nd Spot
Well done Freddie & Kuma
The pairs in the boules competition did very well. Congratulations
Larry & David 2nd, Roy & Sally 3rd.
Our inter group quiz teams were:
A-Team Sheila, Mary, Allen & David
B-Team Chris ,Suzy, Les & Karen
They came back remarking how challenging the quiz had been, and although they did not come in the top teams thank you for being brave and representing East Wessex.
Our Party Night theme was "Ghostbusters" film with Mary taking the lead on table decorations and Larry & Sheila organising the costumes. We made a strong impact when we all marched into the hall together to the Ghostbusters theme. Throughout the whole rally, we were treated to 4 nights live entertainment which tempted everyone up onto the dance floor.
The tombola stall with over 65 prizes donated by members over the past year was a great success again. We covered our National expenses with money raised. A big thank you all for all who donated prizes including 3 cash donations during the weekend.
Our final get together was a "Cheese And Wine" to thank all who travelled up to Malvern to represent our group East Wessex.
Why not come and try it out if you have not been to a National before.
We will start planning as soon as we know the venue and theme for 2024.
Janet M